
Candidate Breakfast Briefing (Zoom)

Candidate Breakfast Briefing (Zoom)

Candidate Breakfast Briefing (Zoom)

June 18, 2024

Stefanie Rafes, candidate for District 187, will be participating in this Represent PA event.

On Tuesday, June 18 at 8:30 AM ET join Represent PA and six State House candidates Sara Agerton (HD-88), Hadley Haas (HD-44), Anna Payne (HD-142), Elizabeth Moro (HD-160), Stefanie Rafes (HD-187) and Anna Thomas (HD-137) who will discuss their path to victory in the upcoming November election. We will be asking specific questions – individually selected for each candidate. We plan to have a lot of fun while also learning about each woman. Join us for this exciting event!

♦ Additional Details and RSVP on Mobilize 


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